
Cameron Fletcher

Graphic Artist

Welcome To The Graphic Art Portfolio Of
Cameron Fletcher

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About Me

My name is Cameron Fletcher and I have been a Graphic Artist/ Designer since 2007. I graduated from the Art Institute of Phoenix in 2012 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Media Arts and Animation.Through my experience I have become a multifaceted designer and have grown exponentially as an artist in the field. Art and design is who I am and I express my creative passion for art and design in the variety of projects I am tasked with. I am a quick, capable, adaptive learner who is team friendly as well as self- reliant when it comes to new projects. I started off with my strengths in Life Drawing and Graphic Art and have grown as an artist with many unique skillsets, and as a designer with proficiency in a variety of different programs. I have 8+ years experience working in the Adobe Suite and Microsoft Office programs.I am also proficient in Web, UI/UX, and Package Designing. I am always striving to be the best artist/ designer I can be and look forward to working on your next project!

Shawn Does Hair LLC.
Shawn Does Hair LLC.

"Cameron has been a frequent freelance Graphic Designer for me since 2015 and has recently taken the position of Marketing Manager for my small business. He is reliable and organized and knows how to layout design work that is easy and understandable."

Next Level Signs
Next Level Signs

"Cameron is a talented, professional and conscientious graphic designer.At Next Level Signs Cameron was responsible for completing a high volume of graphic assignments including advertising for clients, e-mail marketing and web site maintenance."

Lori Jae Readings
Lori Jae Readings

"Cameron was the graphic designer for both my business cards and brochure.His expertise is exceptional and I recommend his services and talents and would absolutely use his services for future endeavors."

AZ MJ Logic.
AZ MJ Logic

Cameron has helped my company grow over the years and is my main source of marketing and design materials. Cameron has proven time and time again that he can and will reach any goals set in front of him. He is an extrodinary designer and always delivers."

Darwin Beauty
Darwin Beauty

Cameron has helped me design for various products and services for my brand. He is relaible and dependable and always meets a hard deadlines.Cameron is my go to Graphic Designer for all my projects!"

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Print Design

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Digital Design

Website Design
Website Design
Superbowl Digital Design
Taskflow and Pallets
wireframe mobile design
Web and cell design

Digital Design

Digital Design is a great way to layout plans for my designs and make a name for myself. I use digital design for social media marketing, UI/UX design, web-page layouts etc. I use digital design with my clients to solidify their brand names in a digital world and create a sense of professionalism on their social media and web sites. As digital design grows in its various tools I am constantly learning and adapting them into my design skills and programs

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Website Design

Making a name for yourself on the Internet and advertising your business and skillset really comes together when you have a website to display your work. Since the Graphic Design role has aadopted website design into its skillset I have learned HTML, CSS and Java Scripting programming to display my clients work that I have created for their brand packages.I use website designing to showcase my clients work in a way that draws in traffic to their site. I use various methods of implememted SEO keyword research and various programming and coding such as e-comerce, booking applications, mapping and data analysis.

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Graphic Art

Wash your hands poster
Lady Gaga Chromatica
Lady Gaga Rain on Me
Text Image
Tytin Fitness
Hecate poster
× Wash your hands poster

Graphic Art

Graphic Art is a great way to express my creativity and design views, proportions and eye fine details. With the combination of hand drawn art, graphics and photo image manipulation I intend to give my viewing audience a unique visual expierence. I believe that art is a great way to convey emotion and self expression and I aim for that in my project pieces. For my projects I use different tools and programs to create different effects.

Hand and Hourglass
Tattooed girl
Aries Merrit
Guy Punching Ground
× Hand and Hourglass


I use drawing as a preliminary blueprint for my projects , I also use it to create life drawing artwork with highlights and shading using various tools. I use the eraser to create the highlights for my pieces and blend them with the graphite using tortillons.Like most of my art I want to give the viewer a sense of close to realism and detail. I draw people,animals and backgrounds. Drawing for me is a way of using my imagination and creativity to produce a viewable result in reality and when I draw and create its a way of sharing how I view the world from my perspective.